*breathes, wipes a tear*
Ooooh-hoooo. That was good.
By the way, I invented the weblog.
How do you like them apples?

non compos mentis

Join the conversation! 14 Comments

  1. And people ask why I quit weblogging…

  2. By the way, I invented the weblog.
    No you didn’t, I did. I just kept the idea to myself. I’ve vowed to never let that happen again, which is why I now loudly share every idea I have no matter how wrongheaded, trivial or just plain stupid, it may be.

  3. oh jonmc you’re just so negative. yuck.

  4. …and fungible. I forgot to mention fungible.

  5. I’m not sure what fungible means, but it’s one heck of a cool-sounding word.
    jon – flaming marshmallows at 20 paces? Let’s settle this like gentlemen!

  6. Flaming marshmallows it is then. Twenty paces boys. Make sure not to aim for the crotch, that wouldn’t be sporting. Now, as you two battle, I’m just going to finish filling out this patent form for weblogs and content managment systems. Don’t hurt yourselves.

  7. That was hysterical. The things people get worked up over…sheesh.

  8. A true gem. Just when I thought it would be over, they’d cycle ’round again.
    oh ya? make me; no you make me; no you make me make you, no….
    blog bullies pullin’ their pants down on the playground.
    The best part of it all was your commentary Stavros. Now that was rich.

  9. Evolution of a Thread

    (mild amusement) (rising discomfort) (gaping disbelief) (acute nausea) (explosive, torrential, tear-stained laughter, the kind of laughter that rends the innards,

  10. I think they all just need a group hug. No– a fungible group hug.

  11. Evolution of a Comment Thread

    (mild amusement) (rising discomfort) (gaping disbelief) (acute nausea) (explosive, torrential, tear-stained hacking laughter, the kind of laughter that rends the

  12. fun·gi·ble Pronunciation Key (fnj-bl)
    Law. Returnable or negotiable in kind or by substitution, as a quantity of grain for an equal amount of the same kind of grain.
    Something that is exchangeable or substitutable. Often used in the plural.

    If you say so…

  13. I infected the weblog.

  14. Screw y’all. I haven’t gotten one thank you card for cooking up electricity. You can blog all you want about who blogged the blog, but without me you’re doing it in the dark.

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