I’ve discovered thanks to my gadgetry over on the right that I’ve been shortlisted for a Bloggie this year, in the Asian Weblogs category, along with such noble and noteable friends and neighbours as BWG, Cheesedip, Weblog Wannabe and Geisha Asobi. Last year, when I was nominated but didn’t make the cut, I threatened to perform acts of random and extreme violence on anyone who actually voted for me. Which had a certain chilling effect on my popularity, I’m guessing.
This time around I’m not sure how to react, given my recent semicoherent rantings about popularity and such. The cool kids all feign disinterest, I know. Me, I guess I’ll just sincerely thank whoever nominated me, and thank those who put me on the shortlist, and have a celebratory beer or 12.
[Jeez, now I feel like I oughta actually write something more about Asia….for those who are interested in that stuff, my musings about Life in Korea are here.]
Edit, the next morning : I guess I should make clear that even though I am pleased to be given some recognition for my fiddle-f–king around here over the past coupla years or so, I am firmly aware that popularity contests of this kind are a massive wank, and destructive to community feeling in a multitude of ways.
I do not take this seriously. What I do take seriously is the conversations among very smart and very kind people in which I’ve been allowed to take part as a result of having this weblog, the things I’ve learned, the skills I’ve honed, the friends I’ve made.
I’ll let my nomination stand, and I will gladly accept your vote, with thanks – because, goddamnit, I kick ass – but I say to you once again, with flashing eyes and floating hair, I do not for a freaking second take this seriously. If I win (which I’m pretty damn sure I won’t) it won’t be because I’m better than any of the others nominated, or better than a multitude of other creative people out there howling into the void, it’ll be because I bribed people with sexual favours I have way too much free time, and spend it on this pointless but enjoyable hobby, and have settled in for a wee drink or two with friends all over the virtual place in my time.
But it’s life that counts, and the careful stewardship of your soul, my friends, not pretty words and tricked-out css. And beer, of course. Crikey, let’s not forget about the beer.


Join the conversation! 8 Comments

  1. I’ve got your back. 😉

  2. Thanks, Chris. I hope this doesn’t count as collusion…

  3. What you want to do is accept the nomination, and then later pretend you didn’t know it was a popularity contest. Then just complain about how Bloggies are beneath you, because you blog in the ‘high-art’ tradition. That way you keep your cred and the award. Hell, it worked for Jonathan Franzen.

  4. Well, if you took care to ignore my propensity for fart jokes, determined lack of attention to the rules of grammar, and apoplectic scattershot diatribes, that whole ‘high-art’ thing might just work…
    I just like saying the word ‘bloggy.’
    bloggy bloggy bloggy bloggy bloggy bloggy bloggy bloggy bloggy bloggy bloggy bloggy bloggy bloggy bloggy bloggy bloggy bloggy bloggy bloggy bloggy bloggy bloggy bloggy bloggy bloggy bloggy bloggy bloggy bloggy bloggy bloggy bloggy bloggy bloggy bloggy bloggy bloggy bloggy bloggy bloggy bloggy bloggy bloggy bloggy bloggy bloggy
    That was fun.

  5. You might as well shoot me now ’cause I’m gonna vote for you. I think they mis-categorized you, though.

  6. I’m voting for you too. Sorry.

  7. Well I already voted for you, so I hope you don’t get in a real snit about it. Congrats.

  8. oops. i voted for you too. i’ll be waiting for my bribe. lol. 🙂

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