I never did finish this design, really, and now it’s starting to get on my nerves. Must be time for a new one. Whee!
‘course I’ve managed to drive away a fairly significant portion of my loyal but slightly demented readership in the last few months, I think, but that’s neither here nor there. I’ll still wow all the Googlenauts getting here searching for the fortuitous and highly erotic (apparently, given their toxic google-allure) combination of the words ‘bottle’ and ‘f–k’.


Join the conversation! 6 Comments

  1. I’ve managed to drive away a fairly significant portion of my loyal but slightly demented readership
    Yeah, I never read this site any more. 🙂

  2. You’ll never drive away the folks that care, Stav. Write when you want, don’t when you don’t.
    But remember to keep in contact with your flocked friend…

  3. You’re just separating the wheat from the chaff. Fickle so-and-sos!

  4. combination of the words ‘bottle’ and ‘fuck’.
    So are those of us left a bunch of bofos?

  5. That depends, Rory – what’s a bofo?

  6. it’s actually the close juxtaposition of the words “empty” and “bottle” that I find most distressing: dare I visit today or shall I find, horror of horrors, not only that the bottle is empty, but that there are no more bottles in the house?

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