If you were one of the kind people who dropped some dollars into my (still locked, but I’m working on it) tipjar, and you’d like a Gmail account, drop a comment with a (properly obfuscated) email address and I’ll hook you up.
I have two to give away. First come, first served.
[Update : I have three more Gmail invites to give away. Priority is as before (folks who’ve helped me out with hosting to the front of the line), followed by people I ‘know’, virtually or otherwise. Random Internet Dudes need not apply. Thanks.]

Uncategorizable Crap

Join the conversation! 43 Comments

  1. Lucky you…I’m just waiting for them to go public and open it up to everyone.
    Hope you get your paypal problems solved soon. Anyhow I didn’t donate so that means there are still two accounts left for.

  2. Well, that’s an offer that’s too good to refuse.
    j@d.net should do as the “properly obfuscated email address”.

  3. Done, Jonathon.
    Still another to give away (but thanks for that site nomination, by the way, Blinger!)…

  4. Would love to have one too, if my puny few dollars were enough to merit such a grand offer 😉 E-mail is me at woojay dot net.

  5. Can’t let Jonathon be the only Aussie with one.
    gm @ cobbers.com should do as the “properly obfuscated email address.

  6. Comin’ right up, Allan!
    That’s two left, friends and neighbours…

  7. How about me? doesn’t seem to be too many requests coming, so I thought I would ask.
    blinger at justemail dot net

  8. You got it, Blinger.
    One more left, if anyone wants it….

  9. I’d put my hand up, just for novelty value and because it’s on offer, but I honestly don’t quite know what I’d do with the thing.
    If, if if there are multitudinous advantages that should amuse, divert and delight me, please lob it this way and I shall be grateful. Otherwise save it for someone else.

  10. Oh, yeah, following Jonathon’s lead: a @ ab.net 🙂

  11. Done!
    And that’s all she wrote…

  12. Figures – the day I finally scored a Gmail account, Yahoo! upped my account to 100 MB, making switching to Gmail less appealing.

  13. Google Gmail Invitation Contest

    The ever elusive Google Gmail accounts are one of the most sought after commodities on the internet. In an effort to kick off the launch of Gear Live, we will be giving away TWO Gmail invitations to two lucky readers….

  14. I have another three invitations to give away, if there’s anyone left out there who wants one!

  15. Hi,
    I’d like to have a Gmail invitation if you still have one to spare.
    Thnank you,

  16. I think the cool factor of these invitations has pretty much faded. I suspect, although cannot prove, that this was caused by me finally getting an account myself. Neighbourhood going to the dogs etc.
    Anyway, I currently have 6 invitations for anyone who wants one. I would hate to be the only person that can’t even give away these things.

  17. Thanks for the invitation! My cool factor (thanks to you now) has just begun 😀

  18. If you have extra’s 🙂 Click my e-mail and send me a message.

  19. I searched for sites on google for people giving GMail invites away. I found this site and would LOVE to get an invite. You see, I grew up in a poor neighbourhood in Canada where I had to wear the same Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles track pants to school everyday. Just last year (senior year of high school) my parents gave me a pair of jeans from the Salvation Army to me for my 25th birthday. I can only get free services online because of my low income. I currently have a hotmail account but since my computer is so low on memory (Windows 95 was given from relative) I have to store much of my work on an online source like my hotmail account. As we all know, hotmail does not have much room so I was wondering if I could get something larger, and that is when I stumbled across GMail and just knew that it would be my savior so if you have an invite, please help a poor man in need.
    -Timmy O’Toole
    (please help me, hopegfully I have made you laugh with my misfortunes)

  20. How can I refuse a story like that. Invitation sent!

  21. Give me the chance to invite other people 🙂
    I really need that email address. I’m a poor student that can’t pay for email addresses. My actual address will expire next month. Thanks a lot.

  22. That’s a pretty boring story, Picci. I’m gonna have to think about it, as I’m down to my last invitation for the moment. Put some aliens in there, and who knows, though…

  23. Aloha!
    Still got some GMail Invites?
    My office email is on the blink and is causing much pain to me and my clients! We were encouraged to sign up for an outside email account and I feel GMail definitely seem the best!
    Can you help me?

  24. So, I just read that last post I did, and it didn’t sound desperate enough… let’s try this again 🙂
    Hi, I’m just a poor landscape designer living on a pile of rocks out here in the middle of the Pacific. Some call it Hawaii, I call it home. Being thousands and thousands and thousands of miles away from mainstream life, I rely on emial to keep abreast on the happenings of the world and as my main form of communication. I am beginning to feel non-existant as my office email has decided to work only when it pleases, and my H*tmail space is being asphyxiated with trash from people who want to supersize my manhood then match me with some cyber-wh*re! HELP! My life and sanity is resting on that gift which only the privileged have been given, and those that they choose to extend their blessings upon. That gift known as GMail. I long to be honored with a GMail invitation so I can get my life back and communicate freely and openly with the world beyond the shores of these rocks in the middle of the ocean.
    In other words…Got an extra GMail Invite lying around?

  25. I have a spare Gmail invite… Anyone? :o)

  26. I love to have a try with Gmail, If you have some spare left can I have one , thank you .

  27. Hi Vicky,if you have 1 Gmail left can I have it please, have a nice day 🙂 Thanks .

  28. OK.
    Invites sent to ximuoi, Jonathon, happinose, Micah, and Picci.
    Buy me a beer sometime….;-)
    Anyone else?

  29. I would love to have one please, thanks 🙂

  30. Hi would also love a gmail invite, if that’s possible.

  31. Love to have one Gmail, many thanks.

  32. Just sent my last two to Blair and anttiger. If I get more, fifi’s first in line.

  33. Yay!
    I’m back in business thanks to Vicky and Stravosthewondershicken!!
    You guys rock!

  34. Any possible I can get an GMail Invite Please???

  35. here!, here! please one gmail, invitation, best regards from Argentine.

  36. May as well add another name to the Gmail invite requests.
    If you ever get more and feel like giving one to a money-less teenager…..

  37. I have a theory as to how Google is going to deploy their gmail accounts…
    Gmail world takeover… 😉

  38. Hey
    Recently read about some of u having some spare invites for Gmail.
    Please send me one if you have the time- it would be greatly appretiated. Would be nothing less than a birthday gift. 🙂
    Thanks a gig 🙂

  39. Heya stavrosthewonderchicken,
    Thanks for sending me the invite..however it accidently got deleted by my bulk Mail folder :'(
    My friend said if you look in your sent folder, it should still have the invite link there.. do u think u could forward me the link again by email? would greatly appreciate it as I have not been able to register a Gmail yet ..boo hoo… 🙁

  40. Will you give me a gmail invite (if you have one) for a sad (or stupid, depending on how you look at it) story.
    My husband got too sick to work, so I got a job as a waitress and he applied for social security and VA (veterans) disability. They turned him down for SS, but he got the VA disability. This was based on him being poor and a veteran. The VA (retroactively going back about a year) took 100% of my gross salary. (For those that understand gross salary that means they took all my money before taxes and deductions, plus taxes and deductions–around 125% of everything I made.) Of course I had to give up my job and my health insurance.
    Things are better, now. He finally found good doctors that spoke English and he’s 100% service connected disabled, so they can’t take over 100% of anything I make if I get a job.
    A lot of this improved situation was made possible with the help I received from people who emailed me, so a gmail account would be a good way to keep track of those that helped me and be able to help (or at least express my understanding and support) to others facing similar problems.

  41. Last two invites sent to Alice and Faraz, invite resent to Ant-tiger, and thread closed.
    Thanks for playing, friends.

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