My friend John has made something very good. A way, one hopes, to make a statement of some kind, a statement like ‘Ahhhhhh, sh-t,’ for example. An easy, lazy way, sure, but better than whipping up bad photoshops and typing out apoplectic rants, which have been the main thrust of my statementation so far. And easy, lazy stuff is the way of the future, people keep telling me. So get on the bus! Next stop – somewhere else. Hopefully.
The warbloggers have staked their claim on the internet, now it’s our turn. is a site devoted to making connections between bloggers who oppose the impending war against Iraq. Regardless of your ideology or political affiliation, your nation of origin, or the size or scope of your site, if you oppose the war and use your weblog to express that opposition, your site is welcome among our listings. Click here to add your blog to the listings. is a site devoted to making connections between bloggers who oppose the impending war against Iraq. Regardless of your ideology or political affiliation, your nation of origin, or the size or scope of your site, if you oppose the war and use your weblog to express that opposition, your site is welcome among our listings. Click here to add your blog to the listings.
Politics Chafe My Scrote
Peaceblogs is a site devoted to making connections between bloggers who oppose the impending war against Iraq. Regardless of your ideology or political affiliation, your nation of origin, or the size or scope of your site, if you oppose the war an…
Thanks for this, Chris. I signed up a day or so ago (for what it’s worth)thanks to you.