Go say hi to Shelley. Why? ’cause.


Join the conversation! 5 Comments

  1. Cool. You got it. I wonder if we trackback to a trackback, if we’ll have little baby trackbacks and the world as we know it will end?

  2. Tracking the Tracker

    Heat index in St. Louis today was 105. That’s 1-0-5. Rather than out finding new paths, I’m keeping my San Franciscan acclimated butt inside, playing around with the new version of MT. Stavros – someone is watching you. Hee Hee.

  3. …then I clicked to burningbird, then I clicked to emptybottle, then I clicked to burningbird, then I clicked to emptybottle, then I clicked to burningbird, then I clicked to emptybottle, then I clicked to burningbird, then I began drooling and was thinking to myself, is this one of those ‘eternal golden braids’ that douglas hofstadter wrote about or am i in some type of fugue like the ones bach wrote, then i clicked on burningbird, then i clicked on emptybottle, then i clicked on burningbird, then i clicked on emptybottle,…

  4. And a faint voice echoed over the void, “Stop now, Fishrush. Stop now, while you can……”

  5. …whew. thanks shelley. all kidding aside, the trackback feature is really cool!

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