Gary Hart, as everyone knows by now, has his very own weblog thingy. This in and of itself is moderately interesting, I suppose. An indication to the starry-eyed that Blogging Really Does Matter (*cough*bullsh-t*cough*), a sign to the less credulous that political PR fluffsters are working every damn angle they can (possibly having studied the RagingCow Episode and powerpointed up a clever way to avoid the halfwit faux-hip clankers that fell like blue-ice jet-toilet turdmeteors in the wake of that one). I stopped by Gary’s site for the first time today, and was…uh, underwhelmed.
If this is the kind of rhetoric we can expect from the defanged and image-managed yawnocrats that roam free-range across the political landscape in America these days, we may well be in deeper sh-t than we think. Ten out of ten for linking to Metafilter on the blogroll, Gary, but minus several million for meaningless, pandering empty-talk like this :

Bruce asked what kind of non-violent cause or causes might unite America and why Democrats have not proposed it. I can suggest at least three: homeland security, energy security, and national productivity. Americans should be enlisted in an urgent national effort to secure our neighborhoods against terrorist attacks. We can volunteer for training in emergency medical response in case of mass casualties and assume auxiliary police and fire duties. Our people would also rally around a national project to make us sufficiently energy efficient that no American need die for foreign oil in the future. And we can all participate in shifting our economy from one of consumption to one of saving, investment, and productivity.

Yeah, right, that’s it. And, as a wise man once said, monkeys will fly out of my butt.
That said, though, this entry is somewhat less tepid, and briefly fans aglow that deeply buried spark of hope I still carry around in the skull of a goat (wait, no, that was Quest For Fire, wasn’t it?) that all is not lost.

Politics Chafe My Scrote

Join the conversation! 6 Comments

  1. something was ommitted from one of Gary’s sidebar items. I am happy to add it in parantheses:
    Questions pertaining to this blog can be emailed to:
    kevinthurman at garyhartnews dot com (because I write this blog).

  2. monkey business, indeed. i believe that hart’s heart is in the right place (ba-dum-pah!). but he’s simply unelectable because of this baggage.

  3. I followed the link from the MeFi sidebar, expecting at the very least to see some spirited admonishment of one side of politics or the other, but saw instead a bunch of luke-warm crap that could come out of a politically-oriented “Dear Abbey” column. Underwhelmed is exactly the right word.

  4. Unelectable Bush Google Bomb

    unelectable is the next Google-Bomb for the most unelectable in the world… 🙂 Also make sure you checkout this unelectable site…

  5. Unelectable Bush Google Bomb

    unelectable is the next Google-Bomb for the most unelectable in the world… 🙂 Also make sure you checkout this unelectable site…

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