Whiskey, cocaine and hookers! Announcing the Stavrossian Accord™, an alternative to the SFcompact. The SFcompact made a small but measurable ripple in the text torrent recently. Compacters vow to eschew purchasing anything new other than food, health products and underwear for a year. Secondhand, though, that’s OK. Poor folks are going to suffer for their ideals, aren’t they?
Accordians, on the other hand, are expected not only to stop wearing underwear entirely, but to spend money on nothing other than whiskey, cocaine and hookers for a year. New or used, it’s all good. And to do it, wherever possible, with stolen money.
It may seem a bit mean to make fun of a group of people whose hearts are, when it comes down to it, in the right place. Making an ‘accord’ and announcing it to the world, though, seems a little ripe for mockery. Particularly when some of the participants are marketers themselves.

Sarah Pelmas, a dean at University High School in San Francisco and one of the original Compacters, said she’s amazed at the extreme responses the Compact has provoked. “People seem very threatened by it,” she said. “But people all over the world live this way all the time. It’s not like it’s some revolutionary, or even consistent, thing we’re doing. But I have been furiously questioned by some people about it — one person said, ‘I bet you still buy gas.’ ”
That sort of response is exactly why the Compact is needed, Perry said.
“If it’s national news when a small group of professionals decide not to buy anything new, and it bothers people so much, it really speaks to how deep we are into consumerism in this country,” he said.

Penetrating insight. I’d venture that people aren’t bothered (or, god knows, threatened) by a cadre of self-absorbed assclowns forming a support-group tribe because they’re watery-bowelled at the daunting prospect of not actually buying all that unnecessary crap (or *shudder* buying it secondhand), so much as they’re amused. It doesn’t ‘speak to how deep [Americans] are into consumerism’, it tells us that there are at least some folks left who know shit from shinola.
Me, I haven’t bought any underwear for 5 years.
Join the Stavrossian Accord™. It might not save the world, but not buying a new iPod every six months wasn’t going to do that anyway.

People Say Stuff Sometimes, Random Silliness

Join the conversation! 3 Comments

  1. The Stavrossian Accord™

    And a visionary did step forward in these End Times and declare:
    And in those Last Days, when the Peak Oil did but trickle and the Lamp of Civilization burned but a’sputtering and low, the Stavrossian Accordians were the last bright flash of the Grand

  2. I’ll bet if those of the Accord promise to drink only Maker’s Mark brand bourbon whiskey (especially in public, wearing Maker’s Mark t-shirts, whenever possible), they’ll supply us at a discount.

  3. Underwear? What’s that?
    The more I see of fuckknuckles like this, the more I despair for the human race, while moving a step closer to actually wishing for its demise out of sheer embarassment.

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