And now, as a special public service announcement, here’s some stupid sh-t that was running through my brain this afternoon as I made some chicken cacciatore :
Since it seems we’ve been saddled with the monicker ‘warbloggers’ for the forseeable future, I thought we should open up some more niches for folks, you know, so they don’t feel left out. You can have hours of fun, if you’re so inclined, assigning your friends and neighbours to the right Tribe, a la the Harry Potter thing. If I had the energy, I’d make one of those stupid f–king quizzes. But I don’t. So… onward!
I propose the foundation of the following new BlogTribes :

  • whorebloggers : only in it for the money, heart of gold or not.
  • were-bloggers : tried it once, didn’t see the attraction, went back to reading Fark
  • werebloggers : only blog by the light of the moon, have trouble with getting their claws caught between the keys
  • wearbloggers : fashion victims
  • wiredbloggers : learned all their html from Webmonkey
  • whybloggers : what’s it all about, Alfie?
  • whoahbloggers : Dude, Keanu says : ‘Whoah.’
  • warebloggers : just like playing with the tools
  • wherebloggers : huh? wha? who did what where now?
  • wartbloggers : ugly as sin In Real Life, beautiful flowers online
    and my favorite new Wonderchicken Approved™ Blogtribe

  • wheebloggers : fast, loose, enthusiastically voluble, and probably drunk
  • Any additions?

    Metablogging, Random Silliness, Uncrappy

    Join the conversation! 16 Comments

    1. wangbloggers? i’m not sure that there are many weblogs devoted to the author’s wang, but i could always start a trend.

    2. Blogblogers, people who write blogs about, groups of people who write blogs

    3. ..and the bloggers who love them. On next week’s Jerry Springer!

    4. Whigbloggers? Whimbloggers? Weirdbloggers? (If they can be told from any other type. Or perhaps they are merely fateful bloggers.) Wordbloggers? Wormbloggers?
      I sense that I’m starting to reach here…

    5. wheebloggers wobble but they don’t fall down?
      in addition:
      weedbloggers:*inhale* you say something man? *exhale*
      waaaahbloggers: Why’s it all so hard?!!!
      w00t!bloggers:use far too much l33t-speak
      wee-weebloggers:golden shower fetish
      wakawakawakabloggers:Fozzie Bear.
      OK, that’s it. I’m done.

    6. Dorothea beat me to it. I’m definitely a weirdblogger.

    7. I know it’s a variation on my previous suggestion, but: wankbloggers. Masturbatory, I love myself, this is what I did in the bathroom with a tube of hand cream today, bloggers.

    8. um…you can make chicken cacciatore? Kewl.

    9. Well, I admit it’s a bit creepy, but what’s a wee touch of cannibalism between friends, right?

    10. windbag bloggers
      …well, you know who I mean
      window bloggers
      …those who only report what other bloggers are blogging
      …celebrity, trendy, trite
      wolframite bloggers
      …if you don’t know what I’m talking about get educated, eh?
      …left field is right to me…
      Waldorf Blog
      …smooth but fruity and nutty
      Wan Blog
      …spans a wider area than does a local area network but is dis-eased
      Woe Blog
      …gimme a break!
      …ack, I canna take it no more…I’m in alliterative hell..

    11. Well, now that I can SEE the entry, I like it even better. I like the distinction between were-bloggers and werebloggers. Nice linguistic touch. And I did learn everything from webmonkey, up until I learned to look at people’s source code. Watch out.

    12. Lately I’ve been feeling like a
      wornblogger: weary, frazzled, but still able to squeeze out the syllables online. . . .

    13. Wearyblogging: Tired of having to think so much and coming up with witty entries day after day…
      Winerblogger: Gets inspiration to go on for yet another day, thanks to
      Wannablogger: Wants to blog but has no idea how to really make it big.
      Wackedoutblogger: Self explanatory!

    14. Whorin’

      Hello Sailor!: warblogging fades, whoreblogging steps up to the plate. More to say about this, if and when I can work myself up into a faux-frenzy of communitarian rectitude….

    15. Whorin’

      Hello Sailor!: warblogging fades, whoreblogging steps up to the plate. More to say about this, if and when I can work myself up into a faux-frenzy of communitarian rectitude….

    16. Whorin’

      Hello Sailor!: warblogging fades, whoreblogging steps up to the plate. More to say about this, if and when I can work myself up into a faux-frenzy of communitarian rectitude….

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