Like Graham said : The coolness of this thing just blows me away. Here’s a picture
(popup, 75k) of the web of blogs related to me, according to Google, 3 deep. Fascinating. You can double click on any of the other blogs, and the app will go and find the cloud of sites googly-related to it, in turn. One surprise would be the absence of Burningbird, but I seem to recall her excluding the Googlebot from her domains some time ago, so that makes sense after all. Interesting too, that my strongest connection through to a cloud of Metafilter bloggers is via jonmc’s View From The Counter. I would have expected to be on there…
This makes the propellor on my beanie whiz at a frightening speed.
Trippy Visuals, Man
I’ve let Gooblebot in, carefully, as long as it behaves itself (it has been showing signs of being a bad bot again, lately. Time to update robots.txt)
I may not be showing because you and I share the same IP, though different virtual domains. And because Google doesn’t necessarily find all relationships.
Wisely said, Oh Phoenician One. Wisely said.
Hey STWC. 😉
Yup ’tis me, I’ve been away from the scene for a while.
Just wanted to say that this weblog looks *great* man…
That’s it really. 🙂
Hey Rogi…welcome back. And thanks!
my strongest connection through to a cloud of Metafilter bloggers is via jonmc’s View From The Counter.
Like I always said, man, I am one of the crucial six in the “six degrees of separation,” my man. I’m like one of those highway exits that is home to noone, but connects to every other highway..
BTW, email me a mailing address my fine feathered freind, me and da missus got something for ya…
Oh, man. I just realized I said “man” twice in that post, man.